I’ve been thinking about circles lately - and I’m not talking about the shape. I’m thinking about energy, time, and cycles - how we chase our tails and live in the never-ending spiral of life on a daily basis. I’m thinking about those moments where I’ve felt joy and fear at the same time riding the old fashioned, metal, (and extremely dangerous, to boot) merry-go-rounds from the 1980’s. One moment your hair is flying around your smiling face with audible pleasure filling the spaces around you, the next your hands white-knuckle the bars and your expression changes from happiness to uncertainty & fear in a matter of seconds. Usually this is because an unexpected mean kid came through and started to push too hard and too fast for kicks. I feel like life is like that; the never-ending moments of joy and sorrow, up and down, and around and around we go. We are living in a wheel of time - step right up folks! Spin the wheel and see what you’ve won when it stops!
Why am I thinking about this? One word: June. A breezy month with the smell of flowers floating on the currents, where the evenings are easy and cool, and the lightning bugs light your path towards the incredible strawberry moon. A month of effortless hope and of keeping the promise of the undying light of midsummer. The summer solstice - a day that keeps going and a night that cracks open a veil between two worlds, the here and now and the other. The entire month of June feels like pure magic, like anything and everything is possible. We gather our strength, we make our plans, and we work like crazy in the undying light to push forward and grow our crops. This is the part of the merry-go-round that feels joyful & exciting. This is where we laugh and smile and there are no cares in the world, only our laughter filling the air where it was void of any cheerful noise only a few short months ago. We pluck ripe strawberries from their nesting places and fill our bellies with the sweetness of late spring/early summer. The juice nourishing every cell of our being with the frolic and lightness of a season that is so deserved. June is a time to dance, to sing, to feel lit up from within just like our friends the lightning bugs. I hope that you fill your being with this sweetness every single day this month, and revel in your aliveness. I hope the wheel/circle turns itself in your favor and shows you just how beautiful everyday life can be.